toxic gaming

 For this topic , i have a lot of to say because i am a Diamond 1 player in game league of legends so i can be a ranking game booster for other game players.So at this situation the only reason i played for this game is to win, but this is a 5v5 game, you play your part really good but if your teammates are so terrible or they just don;t want to win sometimes that might cause i lost the game. So i can win 85%of the game if i boosting for other player and the bad situation is i lose 2 more games continuous, that will make my psychology become terrible, sometimes verbal abuse will happened in the game, some time i was really angry because i have one ad play in the game because i really need that win. This cause large problem because usually people play game because they want to stay happy. But toxic gaming absoluatly disobey this rule, so i think we really need control ourself's emotion and the game also need to have some changes to reduce the toxic gaming too.
from youtube


  1. This is interesting to read. When I used to play CS or equivalent, I wouldn't mind trash talk. It didn't affect me, but everyone is different. I also think your leaderboard ranking is probably what is making it such a big deal since you used the word psychology. I also felt that if I was that annoyed I'd click the exit to desktop button so fast. Is league ranking equivalent to Xbox's gamerscore?




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