community of parctice

  Hello everyone. So for the thursday's class , we discuss a lot about "community of practice ". So generally i think this means a group of people work together and the people in the group always have some similar skills or interests , although maybe they are working on different things but they can share the basic things together to prove each other. Those people probably don't work or even meet together but they really can get some useful information from each other. For example, in my high school,our school have two groups , they attend two matches ,one is robot matches and another one is model ship matches. They are sepreate in to two groups to work on their own competition but some of their working result can be shared together such as how to make the ship and robot go faster. Use what kind of batteries is better for the ship or the robot to work more efficiently and also how to make every component firmer. The student in these two groups are from different class in the school some of them don't know others before. But now they can meet each other during those two matches in those two groups because of community practice. So nowadays "community of practuice is very necessary in our daily life because it can not only help us make new friends it can also make our work more efficiently.
image by IAP2 USA



my final blog post

the improving of AI