
my final blog post

http://collaboratingforet.blogspot.com/                     image by google   This semester i learn more about collaboration. We did two group project this semester, the first one is about tuckman's stage and the second group project is learn to create a video about a social problem and do a presentation about it and also we have a wiki assignment to learn how to edit website like wekipedia.  For my own progress i think i learn a lot on teamwork and how to edit a wiki page in this class, i learn the importence of teamwork by doing project one and realize the tuckman's stage better, i learned that the 5 stages in Tuckman stage are all very important if people want to success in teamwork, and also in the second half of the semester i learn how to edit wikipedia, i need not only search for the resource first, i also need to check the resource and reedit it before i post it because i need to make sure it is correct.  During the class , i think Even Tinder in fluence me a l

the wikipedia assignment

  Last week we did a assignment about wikipedia in class , we tried to edit a Wikipedia by ourself. First i created account by using my email address, then our group pick the topic about our collaboration project 2 and do research on the internet , we pick the wikipedia we want to edit--comtempary slavary, we first download the pdf of that wikipedia before we edit our won things on it, then we search for the resource about comtempary slavary on the internet, after make sure your introduction, examples can improve the former wikipedia, we edit the content we want to put it on the wikipedia and finish our job. So as we can see wikipedia is a website everyone can edit so we need to use a cautious attitude when we are editing wikipedia because the purpose for us to edit wikipedia is to make it better than before. Also, when we need to get resource from wikipedia, we also need to recheck the resource to make sure it is correct. images from wikipedia

My Online Collaborating experience in League of Legend and toxicity about gaming (1000 words blog)

 Collaborating is very important in almost everything in our daily life now, we can seldom  achieve success by only one person, we now trying to get in groups to get on purpose. Not only in business, but also in gaming too.                                                          Image  by Margaret Hillary( teamwork )  I am a 5 years League of Legend player , i started to play it since season 3 and now it is the end of season5, in the game my highest ranking is Diamond one which is the second highest rank in the game , only 0.3% of the gamer in the game can achieve that. I get my account to Diamond 1 both in solo rank and team rank, in Season 3,4,5 and 6, team rank must be a constant team which include at least 5 members, i and my high school friend make up this team. So if we want to get higher ranks, we need good skills and better team collaboration. We are in different university after finish high school, so all of the things about the team need to be finished online, so this


   Nowadays we use wikipedia as a search engine more and more often in our daily life. If we want to search some information about something, we will first type the name on google and always the meaning of it will show on wikipedi a, it is a very good search engine because the resource there are huge and it cover a wide variety of regions , it have almost everything in our life. For example, i study humanity minor in my college, i need finish a lot essay while i am taking the class. So i use wikipedia to find hose resource , it is very convenient and also mos of the information is correct, i just need to recheck after i view them. Another good thing for wikipedia is that everyone can edit it, so this will mmke the website information become better and better


So this week we also talk something about  memes , nowadays when we chat online, it is almost impossible for us to not using memes while chatting with others online. So memes can spread our emotion very abstractly though the internet, people see that memes so they can know what kind of emotion their friends want to express and what they gonna say.So in some way it can take part of words when we use memes to chat and also using memes to chat is more interesting because those pictures and gifs are more interesting and cute then just using words to describe stories to friends so it can be more entertaining. Memes are also very easy to get, some of them are shared by friends and also we can make our own memes,we can find some interesting pictures and use app to add word or use photoshop to change the pictures and make it funny. So as we can see, memes are becoming more and more important in our daily life chatting.

the improving of AI

 So according to last week's reading and class, we learn because of algorithms, human now are able to create some high A.I things such as robot and various。 I他is sure that robot can help us a lot. In the past it can only help as do some easy work suck as carrying things and move things, but now the newest robot use the best algorithms and they have sensing elements. Those sensing elements can combined the information they get so it can suit the environment very quick and it can also studying and heal itself.So this make those robot have very high Ai. So those robots an work for almost every jobs and even in mililtary nowadays. So as we can see, because of the algorithms is developing today, it also affect a lot of things, not even in  robot  things, but also in almost everywhere in our life.  from Pinterest

toxic gaming

 For this topic , i have a lot of to say because i am a Diamond 1 player in game  league of legends  so i can be a ranking game booster for other game players.So at this situation the only reason i played for this game is to win, but this is a 5v5 game, you play your part really good but if your teammates are so terrible or they just don;t want to win sometimes that might cause i lost the game. So i can win 85%of the game if i boosting for other player and the bad situation is i lose 2 more games continuous, that will make my psychology become terrible, sometimes verbal abuse will happened in the game, some time i was really angry because i have one ad play in the game because i really need that win. This cause large problem because usually people play game because they want to stay happy. But toxic gaming absoluatly disobey this rule, so i think we really need control ourself's emotion and the game also need to have some changes to reduce the toxic gaming too. from youtube