the wikipedia assignment

  Last week we did a assignment about wikipedia in class , we tried to edit a Wikipedia by ourself. First i created account by using my email address, then our group pick the topic about our collaboration project 2 and do research on the internet , we pick the wikipedia we want to edit--comtempary slavary, we first download the pdf of that wikipedia before we edit our won things on it, then we search for the resource about comtempary slavary on the internet, after make sure your introduction, examples can improve the former wikipedia, we edit the content we want to put it on the wikipedia and finish our job. So as we can see wikipedia is a website everyone can edit so we need to use a cautious attitude when we are editing wikipedia because the purpose for us to edit wikipedia is to make it better than before. Also, when we need to get resource from wikipedia, we also need to recheck the resource to make sure it is correct.
images from wikipedia



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