
目前显示的是 十月, 2017的博文

the improving of AI

 So according to last week's reading and class, we learn because of algorithms, human now are able to create some high A.I things such as robot and various。 I他is sure that robot can help us a lot. In the past it can only help as do some easy work suck as carrying things and move things, but now the newest robot use the best algorithms and they have sensing elements. Those sensing elements can combined the information they get so it can suit the environment very quick and it can also studying and heal itself.So this make those robot have very high Ai. So those robots an work for almost every jobs and even in mililtary nowadays. So as we can see, because of the algorithms is developing today, it also affect a lot of things, not even in  robot  things, but also in almost everywhere in our life.  from Pinterest

toxic gaming

 For this topic , i have a lot of to say because i am a Diamond 1 player in game  league of legends  so i can be a ranking game booster for other game players.So at this situation the only reason i played for this game is to win, but this is a 5v5 game, you play your part really good but if your teammates are so terrible or they just don;t want to win sometimes that might cause i lost the game. So i can win 85%of the game if i boosting for other player and the bad situation is i lose 2 more games continuous, that will make my psychology become terrible, sometimes verbal abuse will happened in the game, some time i was really angry because i have one ad play in the game because i really need that win. This cause large problem because usually people play game because they want to stay happy. But toxic gaming absoluatly disobey this rule, so i think we really need control ourself's emotion and the game also need to have some changes to reduce the toxic gaming too. from youtube

Net Neutrality

  So net neutrality is a hot problem these years, Should government try to manage it or just let the market to take care of it, it is a good question .So for net neutrality, it means all the internet flow should be fair treated by the internet provider, this means isp should not be limited becuase of many reasons, this include all kind of service and they should have the save proity.   Some people think net neutrality is better,the supporter such as Amazon and Microsoft company, they think internet service should not limit the power of service other people,this can limit the resource other company so the huge company like them can get more resource of the market.But the people don't support net neutrality think isp can have more power on control user about what website they are able to view. So this can cause some website get shut down because they will report some key information of some company. or the trade between isp and big company can cause the market get monopoloied. f

group projects

   So the past several week,s we are doing our group projects,we pick the movie Rogue 1 as the topic to give definition of teamwork and define what is the five stages we talk about in class before. So in our group, every of us know which part to do and when we need to give our part to the group member who will make the website for the presentation. All of us finish before that date so when the due date come, we can finish it on time, also we set up a group meeting on monday before our presentation date to make sure everyone know what which part they are gonna present.So we did a lot of communication during the project and cooperate with each other a lot ,i think everyone in our group did a good job ! from  Openclipart