
   Hello everyone, in the first week of our class, we discuss what collaboration is and how it reflect us.  So i think collaboration means a party of people cooperate together and they have same purpose.So people in the parties and discuss and communicate with others and share their ideas.
   Nowadays we are do a lot of things online so it become a more online community,it means a group of people work together and cooperate together online though internet. For example of online collaboration , nowadays there are a lot of transnational corporation in the world, and some project need two subsidiary corporation to work together but usually these subsidiary corporations are in different countries.So now it is very necessary to have online collaboration because collaboration can diminish the distance between employees between these different countries. Employees can work together online and share document on line. so collaboration is becoming more necessary and popular nowadays.  


  1. I agree that through the work of online collaboration we can diminish the barrier that is put in place by the distance between two individuals formulating a final product. Online communities provide flexibility that many alternatives simply do not offer. A great example of an online community that allows collaboration to drive the success of the page is Wikipedia. One individual can post to this site and several individuals can edit the page from there to improve upon it and build upon the foundation of knowledge that was already present. I enjoyed your example of transnational corporations because of how prominent it is nowadays in our society.




my final blog post

the improving of AI

community of parctice